Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Glenn Beck Problem

Glenn Beck has become a problem. Oh, not to me or his millions of fans mind you but to the countless liberals, progressives and useful idiots out there in "pundit-land" who believe they are somehow imbued with an intellect superior to that of most mortal men. The problem for them is that Mr. Beck beats them at their own game. A man who continually states that he is not a journalist, seems to routinely be ten steps ahead of the mainstream media. Glenn Beck was predicting that the Federal Reserve would monetize the debt at the same time the Fed were claiming they would never do such a thing. And then, as if by magic, the Fed monetized the debt. Mr. Beck recently stated that socialists and Islamic extremists were working together to overthrow the Mubarak government in Egypt. This was mocked in the mainstream media as well, with Beck being tagged with a number of unflattering adjectives not the least of which was "Looney Tunes" courtesy of Chris Matthews. Then came the recent New York Times article stating that socialists, liberals and The Muslim Brotherhood were in fact working together, proving Beck right once again. I call this phenomenon "Manifest Sanity." That is to say, that Glenn Beck is insane, until his predictions manifest themselves, at which time he becomes sane.

What is the mainstream media's reaction to being outwitted by this self described "Rodeo Clown" who never finished college? Why personal attacks of course. The main issue for the mainstream media seems to be that not only is Beck a staunch conservative, but he's not "in the club." You know the club I'm referring to. The ivy league, corduroy sport coat wearing, pipe smoking, educated to the point of stupidity, elite club. Gripped by professional jealousy, they just can't fathom how a person they regard as inferior to them could be so popular and so right most of the time. I think his lack of an "approved" ivy league pedigree coupled with his admittedly troubled past, encourages some left leaning media types to pounce on him with personal attacks. It's a textbook case of  "if you can't beat them, smear them."

Beck openly talks about his past history of substance abuse and alcoholism. I personally believe that this openness, while inviting ridicule from some in the media, is actually a valuable public service. Think about it. Mr. Beck is more or less doing a public service announcement every time he speaks about his past problems. The operative word here is "past" as Glenn Beck appears to be leading an exemplary and purpose filled life. Beck is the poster child for redemption and yet his detractors are pulled from the same pool of progressives and liberals who want to free convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. How is it that Abu-Jamal has redeemed himself but Glenn Beck has not?

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